Tips for refraining from transmitting visuals to cell phones in a more meaningful way

Typically when working on responsive or mobile-first design, media queries are utilized to deliver different CSS styles based on screen size.

An optimal design strategy may involve not including any images in the default (small) resolution layout.

While using background-image in CSS makes it simple to achieve this, it seems challenging to implement for semantic <img> tags.

  • Is it possible to accomplish this with HTML alone?
  • Is it considered good practice to use CSS exclusively for handling images?

Personally, I prefer a design with no images by default for small screens, but I find it unappealing to have no images for desktop-only versions that lack CSS.

Please note: Solutions involving JavaScript are not viable options.

Reference Image

Answer №1

A common misconception is that using CSS for all images is acceptable. However, images are valuable data and should be marked up as an <img> element for semantic clarity. Consider the analogy of considering all images optional, which would render the <img> element obsolete, indicating that it's not justifiable to use CSS for all images.

CSS is best utilized for enhancing elements visually through properties like background-image, without compromising their functionality. An element should remain usable even without a background image, demonstrating that if it can't be visible without one, it may not be a valid element at all.

Display and positioning properties in CSS serve the purpose of arranging elements on the screen and adjusting their visibility based on different displays.

To correctly handle this situation, utilizing display: none; is recommended, assuming that most browsers won't download the image unnecessarily. In cases where browser support is inadequate, alternative strategies such as using a hack like background-image or dynamically loading the image with Javascript can be considered as fallback options.

Answer №2

A creative solution using only CSS, with potential browser support limitations. By avoiding the img tag, the content remains semantic even without the image.

Find more details at:

Check out an example here:

Personally, I suggest providing descriptive links for images and utilizing JavaScript to load them when necessary (like this: This ensures accessibility for users on various devices or connections, allowing everyone to access the images naturally rather than being hindered by embedded URLs in a CSS file.

Answer №3

When considering the option of utilizing descriptive links and implementing JavaScript to load images for screens that meet your specific criteria:

  1. Lazyloader.js is specifically designed for this purpose. According to the readme, "If you want to dynamically load images dependent on the screen dimensions ..." and it provides guidance on scripting for this functionality.

  2. Nettutsplus has compiled a comprehensive overview of lazyloader and various other useful scripts tailored for similar purposes.

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