Ways to customize the background color of selected items in ion-list on Ionic

I am working on an Ionic project and I have a list of items. I am trying to change the background color of the pressed item. Can someone help me with this?


  <ion-item ng-repeat="item in familleItems">
    <div ng-click="selectSousFamille(item.Numfam)">{{item.Nomfam}}</div>

I would appreciate any assistance. Thank you.

Answer №1

Customize hover effect

Using only CSS properties

ion-item:hover a {
  background-color: slategray !important;

Enhance active item appearance

To highlight an active item, you can apply a custom CSS class using ng-class. Define the specific styles for this 'active' class.

<ion-item ng-repeat="item in familyItems" ng-class="{'activeItem': active}">
    <div ng-click="selectSubFamily(item.Numfam)">{{item.Name}}</div>

For instance:

<ion-content padding="true">
    <ul class="product-list">
        <li ng-repeat="(key, item) in products" ng-class="{'selected':item.selected}">
            <div class="list card" ng-click="select_item(key)">
                <div class="item item-image">
                    <img ng-src="{{item.photo}}">

// Styling
.selected {
    // Highlighting style here

// Controller
.controller('SomeController', ['$scope', function ($scope) {

  $scope.products = [
    { "title": "Super Man's Tommy Toy", "price": 20000, "thumb": "DO_RE_MI.jpg" },
    { "title": "An old picture of Seldom", "price": 1999, "thumb": "MI_RE_DO.gif" }

  $scope.select_item = function (key) {
    if ($scope.products[key]) {
      $scope.products[key].selected = true;


Answer №2

Thank you, it did the job. I made a few tweaks to your code because I only wanted to change the background color of the selected item. Here is my modified code snippet

  <ion-content padding="true">
        <ul class="product-list">
            <!-- Ensure you have a .selected class in your stylesheet -->
            <li ng-repeat="(key, item) in products" ng-class="{'selected' : item.selected, 'unselected' : !item.selected }">
                <div class="list card" ng-click="select_item(key,familleItems.length)">
                    <div class="item item-image">
                        <img ng-src="{{item.photo}}">
    // Styling
    .selected {
    background-color: gray !important;
    background-color: white !important;
    // Controller
    .controller('SomeController', ['$scope', function ($scope) {

      // Product list array
      $scope.products = [
        { "title": "Super Man's Tommy Toy", "price": 20000, "thumb": "DO_RE_MI.jpg" },
        { "title": "An old picture of Seldom", "price": 1999, "thumb": "MI_RE_DO.gif" }

      // Selection logic
      $scope.selectSousFamille = function(key, count) {

        for (var i = 0; i < count; i++) {
          if (key == i) {
            $scope.familleItems[i].selected = true;
          } else {
            $scope.familleItems[i].selected = false;


I hope this can be useful for someone else as well.

Answer №3

To customize the activated background color for different platforms, you can modify the values in the variables.scss file as shown below:

$list-ios-activated-background-color: #ff8902;
$list-md-activated-background-color: #ff8902;
$list-wp-activated-background-color: #ff8902;

(Alternatively, adjust these variables using colors from your SASS color map)

$list-ios-activated-background-color: lighten(color($colors, dark, base), 10%);
$list-md-activated-background-color: lighten(color($colors, dark, base), 10%);
$list-wp-activated-background-color: lighten(color($colors, dark, base), 10%);

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