Tips for implementing styling in a material table within a reactjs application

  • Is there a different way to set the display property to inline-block since cellStyle doesn't seem to recognize it?
  • How can I adjust the width of a specific column, let's say with the name title, without affecting the width of all other columns?

Please Note:

The current solution works but I would like to add additional styling properties as well. Any suggestions on how to achieve this?

  title: key,
  field: key,
  cellStyle: {
    backgroundColor: '#039be5',
    color: '#FFF',


const MyComponent = () => {
    return (
        <div style={{ maxWidth: "100%" }}>
                title="Demo Title"
                    rowStyle: {

export default MyComponent

Answer №1

1. Creating Custom Styles using Props

To customize the style of a component based on props, move the column definition outside of the component and create it as a function that returns an array of objects. Then, in your JSX code, call this function while passing the necessary props or state.

2. Setting Custom Width

To set a custom width for a table column, use the tableLayout property in the options object and set it to fixed. Provide the desired width for each column in the columns array. Keep in mind that there is a known bug related to this feature, so monitor for updates. If your code breaks when the bug is fixed, refer to the issue resolution provided.

See Working Demo

Complete Code Snippet

const columns = propValue => [
    title: "Avatar",
    field: "avatar",
    render: rowData => (
        style={{ height: 36, borderRadius: "50%" }}
    cellStyle: {
      backgroundColor: "#039be5",
      color: "#FFF"
    width: "40%" //<---- set width here
  { title: "Id", field: "id" },
  { title: "First Name", field: "first_name" },
    title: "Last Name",
    field: "last_name",
    cellStyle: {
      backgroundColor: "#039be5",
      color: "#FFF",
      display: propValue ? "inline-block" : "block"

class App extends Component {
  tableRef = React.createRef();
  propValue = true;

  render() {
    return (
      <div style={{ maxWidth: "100%" }}>
          data={query =>
            new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
              let url = "";
              url += "per_page=" + query.pageSize;
              url += "&page=" + ( + 1);
                .then(response => response.json())
                .then(result => {
                    page: - 1,
          title="Remote Data Example"
          options={{ tableLayout: "fixed" }} // set table layout here
          onClick={() => {

NOTE: For material-table version 1.25 (or below), ensure to specify the column width inside the cellStyle object:

cellStyle: {
      backgroundColor: "#039be5",
      color: "#FFF",
      width: 10 //<----- define width like this

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