Customizing the CSS of the TinyMCE editor within a React application

Incorporating TinyMCE 5 into my React project has been an interesting challenge. I'm looking to personalize the editor by adjusting elements like borders and adding box shadows to the toolbar. Despite attempting to add CSS through the content_css property, I haven't had much luck. Is there a different approach I could take?

edit: This is the desired look I am aiming for here

While I was successful in adding custom icons, tweaking the CSS presents some hurdles. My goal is to reposition the toolbar, incorporate shadow effects, resize icons, and narrow the toolbar width. Even after trying to override CSS using styled-components, I didn't achieve the desired outcome. Are there any alternatives for overriding CSS that I should explore?

Answer №1

To adjust the toolbar position, simply use toolbar_location: "bottom".

If you wish to customize the CSS, you can either replace the default styles with your own using content_css. For instance:

content_css: "/mycontent.css";

Alternatively, you can modify specific parts of the CSS by using content_style. For example:

content_style: "body { font-family: Arial; }";

For further information, check out:

  • Customizing the TinyMCE toolbar
  • content_css & content_style

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