Which should I use - Angular directive or CSS selector, for better performance?

Currently expanding my knowledge on angular and exploring the capabilities of the ngClass directive. I have come across this interesting functionality:

<li ng-repeat="language in languages" ng-class="{line:$even}">{{language}}</li>

Alternatively, achieving a similar result using CSS selectors:

li:nth-child(even) {
   // some css code here

Which approach do you think is more efficient?

Answer №1

It's important to note that two cases are not the same. However, if you're interested in styling even/odd elements, it's best to utilize CSS for this task rather than JavaScript. While adding class names with JavaScript is possible, if having actual class names on elements isn't necessary, sticking to the :nth-child approach is recommended.

There are two key advantages of using pure CSS:

  • Avoiding additional watchers that Angular would need to set for data binding.
  • Improved performance and cleaner HTML code.

Answer №2

In my opinion, ng-class serves as a visual representation of certain model properties. Its purpose is not limited to styling, but it can also contribute to it.
I believe that sticking to standards whenever possible is the optimal approach, as it reduces reliance on external sources.
Using CSS has numerous benefits over alternative methods, including improved performance, decreased error likelihood, and reduced dependencies.

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