Is there a translation issue affecting Chrome version 44?

Recently, Chrome 44 (44.0.2403.89 m) was released and I've encountered some issues with the translate3d feature (on both Mac and Windows versions).

This problem is impacting plugins such as fullPage.js and consequently affecting numerous pages at the moment. (Issue raised on fullpage.js github)

It appears that when applying two different translate values consecutively to the same element within a short timeframe, the element resets its position to 0 when the new value is applied, causing the previous transition to be missed.

Although I couldn't isolate and reproduce the issue as cleanly as desired, I managed to create a test scenario:

To replicate the problem, simply scroll down. You'll observe it returning to the previous section with each consecutive scroll. For example, you'll see the first red section displayed twice.

If you perform the same test in a different browser, the issue won't be present.

The transitions I'm applying in this case (depending on viewport size) are as follows:

translate3d(0px, -641px, 0px);
translate3d(0px, -1282px, 0px);
translate3d(0px, -1923px, 0px);

However, between the 1st and 2nd, and the 3rd and 4th transitions, it seems to revert back to translate3d(0,0,0);, resulting in the first section being repeatedly displayed as the starting point.

Answer №1

To achieve the desired result, simply invoke it within an animation frame

The issue seems to stem from simultaneous execution of animation and position calculation, leading to unexpected behavior

requestAnimationFrame(function () {
    var dtop = element.position().top;


    canScroll = false;

    var translate3d = 'translate3d(0px, -' + Math.ceil(dtop) + 'px, 0px)';

    // Allow scrolling again after animations finished
    setTimeout(function () {
        canScroll = true;
    }, 1000);    
    // 1000s is the set time in CSS for container transition
    // transition: all 1000ms ease-in-out;

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