Currently, I am in the process of learning about ESP32 and have set myself a project with various objectives:
- Successfully setting up ESP32 as a softAP - COMPLETED
- Establishing access to ESP32 via WiFi - COMPLETED
- Serving an HTML authentication form (index1.html) stored within the flash memory of the ESP32 to request nearby Wireless Network's SSID and Password - COMPLETED
- Entering the credentials mentioned above, clicking on a Log-In button, and connecting the ESP32 to the specified Wireless Network
- Navigating to a different webpage (index2.html) also located inside the flash memory of the ESP32
Below are the hardware specifications being used for this project:
Board: ESP32 DEVKIT1
Core Installation version: 1.0.1-git link here
IDE name: Arduino IDE
Flash Frequency: 80Mhz
PSRAM enabled: no
Upload Speed: 115200
Computer OS: Linux Mint 19.1 Mate
Although I have conducted thorough research, I have been unable to find applicable information related to my project, hence the creation of this post.
Due to unfamiliarity with posting code correctly (following guidelines found here), I have created gists for reference. Hopefully, they prove useful.
Arduino IDE Sketch
Link to Arduino IDE Sketch gist
My next objective is to input SSID and Password into their respective fields, click on the "Sign in" button, store these details in a read-only file within the Flash Memory of the ESP32, establish connection to the specified Wireless Network, and serve another webpage from the Flash Memory.
I have not mentioned the use of JavaScript or PhP as I am unsure which one would be suitable or if they can function in this manner.
Alternatively, instead of a read-only file, could there be a small database storing limited Wireless Networks?
Thank you! Apologies for the lengthy post.