Tips for effectively overriding default CSS in JavaFX 8 for TableView

I've been trying to customize the appearance of specific columns in a tableview using JavaFX. My goal is to make editable values display with a light yellow background to indicate that they can be edited.

However, when I apply the following CSS to the field:

.editableColumn.table-cell { 
-fx-border-width: .5px; 
-fx-border-style: solid;

It ends up removing all other formatting, such as highlight bars.

Could someone advise me on which additional CSS properties I should set in order for the highlighting to work properly and prevent my values from disappearing (as it's currently white text on a yellow background)?

Appreciate any help!

Answer №1

To ensure that the text color matches the background you've chosen, consider setting -fx-background to the same value as -fx-background-color:

.editableColumn.table-cell { 
-fx-background: lightyellow ;
-fx-border-width: .5px; 
-fx-border-style: solid;

If you prefer the "selected style" to take precedence over the "editable style" for cells that are both in your column and part of a selected row, manually reverting to default styles for selected cells may be necessary. Consider something like this:

.table-row-cell:filled:selected .editableColumn.table-cell {
    -fx-background-color: null ;
    -fx-border-color: transparent -fx-table-cell-border-color transparent transparent;
    /* -fx-border-width: null ; (not sure about this one...) */

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