How to Make a Div Tag Fade Effect with JavaScript in an External File

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I'm currently working on an assignment and trying to implement a simple fade effect on a box. While it seems like this should be straightforward, I'm encountering some obstacles. Currently, the button causes the box to simply disappear by setting the opacity to 0, but I would prefer a smoother fade out transition. I know that adjusting the opacity in small increments over time is necessary, but despite my efforts of searching online and experimenting with various approaches, I can't seem to get it right. Any guidance from someone patient would be highly appreciated. My goal is to have the .js file execute this function like the other buttons in my project. It would also be great if clicking the button twice could trigger a fade out followed by a fade back in. I'm interested in learning how one button can produce an effect and then reverse it. I've included two snippets below, one from my .html file and the other from my .js file.

Thank you.

      function fadeInOutFunction(id){
    document.getElementById("box").style.opacity = 0;

  function blueFunction(id){
    document.getElementById("box").style.backgroundColor = "blue";
    document.getElementById("box").style.opacity = 1;

  function pinkFunction(id){
    document.getElementById("box").style.backgroundColor = "pink";
    document.getElementById("box").style.opacity = 1;

  // Add more color functions as needed

  function resetFunction(id){
    document.getElementById("box").style.opacity = 1;
    document.getElementById("box").style.height = "250px";
    document.getElementById("box").style.width = "250px" ; 
    document.getElementById("box").style.backgroundColor = "orange";
    document.getElementById("box").style.margin = "25px";
<!DOCTYPE html>
        #large22px {
    font-size: 22px;
    <title>JavaScript Funland</title>

    <p id="large22px">Click the buttons to modify the box:</p>

    <div id="box" style="height:250px; width:250px; background-color:orange; margin:25px"></div>

    <button id="fadeInOutFunction" onclick="fadeInOutFunction()">Fade In/Out</button>
    <button id="resetFunction" onclick="resetFunction()">Reset</button>
    <button id="blueFunction" onclick="blueFunction()">Blue</button>
    <button id="pinkFunction" onclick="pinkFunction()">Pink</button>
    // Include additional color buttons here

    <script type="text/javascript" src="Javascript.js"></script>

Answer №1

Striving for elegance may not always be the most direct approach to achieving a desired outcome. It's essential to focus on your objectives and then construct the logic needed to reach them. Feel free to ask if you have any questions.

An observation you'll make is that the checkStatus function is invoked in each action. Within this function, the status of the action is initially stored in a variable (status), which is checked with every click. For instance, pressing widen will save "widen" as the status in this variable so that subsequent clicks can either reset values or perform other actions accordingly.

var status = "";

function growFunction(id){
    let height; 
    document.getElementById("box").style.height = height;
    document.getElementById("box").style.opacity = 1;

// The rest of the JavaScript functions remain unchanged

function checkStatus(x){
  if(status != "" && status != x){
    status = x;
    return false;
      status = ""
      return true;
      status = x;
      return false;
<!DOCTYPE html>

        #large22px {
    font-size: 22px;
    <title>Jiggle Into JavaScript</title>

    // Buttons and box HTML code remains unchanged 

    <script type="text/javascript" src="Javascript.js"></script>

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