Tips for deleting a text node preceding a div element?

Here's the HTML code snippet I am currently working with:

 <div id="wrapper">
  <div id="some-id"></div>
  "this is some texxt"
  <div id="some-id-2"></div>

Is there a way to eliminate the text using CSS? Any suggestions would be appreciated.

Answer №1

Struggling to find the best solution, but

#wrapper {

This method might do the trick. Keep in mind that if the other divs contain text, you'll need to adjust the font size for them separately to avoid conflicts. Not guaranteed to work on all browsers, but worth a try.

Answer №2

#holder {
  text-indent: 100%;
  white-space: nowrap;
  overflow: hidden;

This method is user-friendly and offers superior performance compared to adjusting the font size directly. For more information, visit Replacing the -9999 font

Answer №3

It may not be seen as stylish, but it is effective. I assume you want the two divs without the text in between. If you are limited to only using CSS (no javascript / jquery), you can try this approach. Set the background of the second div to white and move it up by 1em using position relative / top -1em. This will cover up the unwanted text.

While it's not the most visually appealing solution, I do NOT recommend resorting to this method. It would be much better to find a way to actually alter the content within the #wrapper div.

<div id="wrapper">
  <div id="some-id">text content 1</div>
  "this is some texxt"
  <div id="some-id-2">text content 2</div>

Answer №4

I suggested using jQuery code to securely remove text from the client side, as there may be compatibility issues with certain browsers. If you opt for jQuery, you can include the following code in your webpage:

    var divContent = $("#wrapper").find("div");

If the wrapper div contains additional HTML tags, such as:

 <div id="wrapper">
  <div id="some-id">aaaa</div>
  "this is some texxt"
  <div id="some-id-2">bbbb</div>
  <p>Hello world</p>

You can combine HTML tags in the find jQuery function by separating them with commas:

    var divContent = $("#wrapper").find("div,p");

This approach is safer and more tidy.

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