Does applying a style to an element that already has the same value result in a decrease in performance? Alternatively, do all browsers simply overlook it?

Assuming I have an element with the style top: 5px, and then I execute = "5px";, will the browser readjust its position and trigger a layout again? Or does it recognize that there is no need to change anything? (Is this behavior specified in W3C standards?)

What is the reason for this behavior?

I am configuring certain values based on scrolling. For instance, when the scrollTop goes from 100 to 300, the top position of an element should transition from 25px to 50px.

If the user scrolls rapidly, moving from a scrollTop of 285 to 310, it means that the element's top position will not reach exactly 50px but rather end up at something like 48.125px.

To solve this issue, I adjust all scroll values above 300 so that the element's top position remains fixed at 50px.

Answer №1

Not all browsers behave the same way, but in Chrome specifically, if you set a CSS property of an element to the same value or one that doesn't affect its appearance, it won't trigger a redraw. For more information on this topic, check out these resources: HTML5 Rocks & phpied

To test this behavior in Chrome, go to the Developer Tools settings (the three dots in the top right corner) and under "More tools," select "Rendering settings."

Enable "Paint flashing."

Create a blank page with the following code snippet (note: this won't work in iframes due to different criteria for redrawing):

  window.onscroll = function(){"yellow";
  height: 200vh;

As you scroll, you'll see only the scrollbar flashing green, indicating redraw. However, if you change the body opacity incrementally with each scroll event, it will trigger a redraw until the opacity reaches >=1.

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