Tips for creating the appearance of a resizable element

My goal was to replicate the resizing and moving functionality of elements in Adobe Illustrator using CSS alone. Unfortunately, I couldn't find any useful resources on how to achieve this.

Answer №1

Check out this JSFiddle link

Here's the HTML code:

<div id='input_container' class='resizeStyles'>
  <input type='text' />

And here is the CSS code:

#input_container{position:relative; outline:#333 dashed 2px;}

.resizeStyles:before, .resizeStyles:after{
    border-style:none dotted;
.resizeStyles:before{top:-4px; left:-6px;}
.resizeStyles:after{bottom:-4px; right:-6px;}

Important Note: I am using jQuery to generate elements and adding/removing a class .resizeStyles to apply these styles.

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