css how to style a table row with a specific identifier

Although this question has been asked millions of times on the internet, my English skills are not great and I struggle to find the right words to search.

I have a table with a specific ID set up like this:

<table class="tableClass">
<tr id="oneID">
<tr id="secondID">

I have styled my css as follows:

.tableClass #oneID{}

This method is effective for me.

However, I am looking to achieve something like this:

.tableClass tr[@id="oneID"]

Answer №1

Test out this CSS snippet

.scheduleTable tr#uniqueID

Answer №2

excluding the @ symbol :

.tableClass tr[id="oneID"]

however a basic #oneID selector will suffice. Creating an overly specific rule is unnecessary.

Answer №3

If you're looking to target a specific element, you can utilize the selector

.tableClass tr#uniqueID {


However, it's not really necessary as IDs are meant to be unique anyway. Using tr#uniqueID is redundant since an ID can only match one element. In this case, there's no advantage in using a more specific selector.

Answer №4

To select the element with ID "oneID" within a class called tableClass, you can use either of the following:

.tableClass #oneID


.tableClass [id="oneID"]

It is generally recommended to use the former method unless you specifically require a partial match or need to target a different attribute. Including the tr in your selector is unnecessary in this case since there is no other element with the same ID (oneID) which would be invalid. Additionally, less specific selectors tend to be faster, albeit only slightly.

Answer №5

If you want to target a specific row, you can also achieve this by utilizing the nth-child selector in CSS.

.tableClass tr:nth-child(1){

It is important to note that this method relies on the numerical sequence continuing consistently for it to work effectively.

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