Discover the steps to incorporate a glowing effect into your custom progress bar using JavaFX

After successfully creating a custom progress Bar in JavaFX, my next step is to incorporate a glow effect into the progressBar.

To achieve this, I have constructed an ellipse with a Gaussian blur effect and integrated the centerX of the ellipse into a timeline for animating the glow effect within the progress bar.

Below is the code snippet responsible for generating the ellipse element:

public Ellipse glowshape;
DropShadow glowEffect;
SimpleDoubleProperty width;

// Method to create the glowing ellipse
public void createEllipse(){

    glowshape = new Ellipse(25, 20, 10, 15);
    glowshape.setEffect(new GaussianBlur(5));

public void init(){

    width = new SimpleDoubleProperty(0);

The following is the animation method utilized:

public void setGlowAnimation(){

    KeyValue value = new KeyValue(glowshape.centerXProperty(),width.doubleValue(),Interpolator.EASE_OUT);

    KeyFrame keyframe1 = new KeyFrame(Duration.millis(2000),value);

    glow_timeline = new Timeline();

Despite binding the width property with the custom bar width property to ensure that the ellipse's centerX does not surpass the current progress of the progress bar and smoothly reverses back, there seems to be an issue. When the animation initiates, it only moves a certain distance before getting stuck. It appears that the target value defined in the Keyvalue is not updating as expected in the animation method.

I would greatly appreciate any assistance on resolving this matter.

Answer №1

Here is the code snippet:

    // Creating a ProgressBar
    ProgressBar progressBar = new ProgressBar();
    // Applying a drop shadow effect
    DropShadow glowEffect= new DropShadow();

    progressBar.setEffect(glowEffect); // Applying the glow effect to the JavaFX ProgressBar

Note that:

1) To adjust the width/height of the glowEffect, you can modify setWidth(..) and setHeight(). The methods setOffSetX(0) and setOffSetY(0f) are used to center the glowEffect.

2) The process is similar for the custom progressBar as it extends the Node class.

I have included this link just in case you require something like this:

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