How can you toggle the visibility of a div based on detecting a specific class while scrolling?

My webpage features a sticky header that gains an extra .header-scrolled class when users scroll down. I am looking to switch the logo displayed in the header once it has been scrolled.

Below is a simplified version of my HTML code:

<header class=".header-sticky">
  <div class="logo1">
    <img src="../image1.jpg">
  <div class="logo2">
    <img src="../image2.jpg">

Is there a way for me to hide the entire <div class="logo2"> until the .header-scrolled class is applied to the <header>, and vice versa - conceal <div class="logo1"> and show <div class="logo2"> when the corresponding class appears after scrolling?

Answer №1

With the power of CSS, you can achieve this effect without relying on JavaScript:

.logo1 { display: block; }
.logo2 { display: none; }

.header-scrolled .logo1 { display: none; }
.header-scrolled .logo2 { display: block; }

By the way, make sure your .header-sticky class attribute is written as header-sticky (without the dot) in your HTML code.

Answer №2

Utilize CSS to manipulate the display property on your elements by selecting the elements using their respective classes

Check out the example below:

const changeClass = function() {
  let elem = document.getElementsByClassName('header-sticky')[0].className = "header-scrolled";
.header-sticky .logo1 {
  display: block;

.header-sticky .logo2 {
  display: none;

/* When header-sticky changes to header-scrolled, swap the display properties */

.header-scrolled .logo1 {
  display: none;

.header-scrolled .logo2 {
  display: block;
<header class="header-sticky">
  <div class="logo1">
    <img src="../image1.jpg" alt="Logo1">
  <div class="logo2">
    <img src="../image2.jpg" alt="Logo2">
  <button onclick="changeClass()">Change to scrolled</button>

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