Is it possible to exclusively focus on the specified data attributes?

Is there a method to specifically target the 'data-season' attribute with the value "winter"?

This is my HTML:

<li data-season="summer">summer
  <ul class="groups">
   <li data-item="beach">beach</li>
   <li data-item="Hawaii">Hawaii</li>
   <li data-item="Beach Ball">Beach Ball</li>
   <li data-item="hot sun">hot sun</li>

<li data-season="winter">winter
  <ul class="groups">
   <li data-item="snow">snow</li>
   <li data-item="glacier">glacier</li>
   <li data-item="hot soup">hot soup</li>
   <li data-item="snow man">snow man</li>
   <li data-item="heater">heater</li>

I have obtained the string "winter" from my jQuery function,

Now, I want to apply CSS only to snow, glacier, hot soup, snow man, and heater without affecting summer. How can I achieve this?

Answer №1



  bar = 'summer';


ps this also works with css rules

     border:1px solid blue;

Answer №2

After encountering a similar challenge and dedicating time to resolving it, I discovered that dynamically created objects do not function properly when utilizing the .data() method. To circumvent this issue, I opted to assign an attribute on each object with the same name as the key passed to the data() function.

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