The menu bar becomes distorted when the page is zoomed out

Hey everyone, I could really use some assistance with my menus. Whenever I zoom out of the page, they become distorted. Here is the link to my website:

I tested the link on Internet Explorer and it looks fine, but when I try to zoom in Chrome or Firefox, the menu and content below gets all messed up.

Answer №1

It appears that each menu item has been placed in its own ul container:


Consider using a single ul with multiple lis instead like this:


To align them vertically, some CSS adjustments will be needed. It may require additional effort, but it is the correct approach. Trying to fix the appearance of a structurally flawed design is not ideal. :)

Check out this link for one way to achieve vertical alignment:

Answer №2

The CSS property of float was affecting the div with ID "text-content". To fix this, add the CSS rule clear:both to the same div. It is also recommended to use percentage values for widths instead of pixels, although it is not mandatory.

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