My HTML table is not printing at full width

Seeking assistance with creating a printable calendar using an HTML table. The calendar prints perfectly on a Mac, but when attempted on Windows in all browsers, it adds a 3" margin at the top regardless of CSS print settings. The client requires the calendar to print full bleed. The only current workaround is adjusting browser print settings to disable "shrink to fit" and set to 110%, but this distorts the text and characters within the calendar. Is there a way to achieve this using pure CSS?

Answer №1

Follow these steps to easily implement the Javascript code for printing a calendar:

<script language="javascript">
function PrintCalendar()
  var settings="toolbar=yes,location=no,directories=yes,menubar=yes,"; 
      settings+="scrollbars=yes,width=400, height=400, left=100, top=25"; 
  var content = document.getElementById("print_content").innerHTML; 
  var printWindow ="","",settings);; 
   printWindow.document.write('</head><body onLoad="self.print()" style="width: 800px; font-size:12px; font-family:arial;">');          
<a href="javascript:PrintCalendar()">Print Calendar</a>
<div id="print_content" style="width: 100%;">
Place your Calendar or HTML table here

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