Update the Kendo window scrolling feature to include fixed update and cancel buttons

I've encountered an issue while using ASP MVC and the latest version of Kendo. When I add too much content to a Kendo window, it starts scrolling vertically, which ends up hiding the cancel/update buttons at the bottom. This is not ideal as the user shouldn't have to scroll to access these buttons. Is there a way to make only the "form-horizontal" section scrollable and stop the "k-window" from scrolling?

Full Window:

Window with scrolling:


        .Columns(columns => {
           columns.Bound(o => o.Company.Name);
           columns.Bound(o => o.Company.DealerId);
           columns.Bound(o => o.Company.CityState).Title("City, " + stateTitle);
           columns.Bound(o => o.Company.CountryCode);
           columns.Bound(o => o.Company.Phone);
           columns.Bound(o => o.CompanyStatus).Title("Status");
           columns.Command(com => { com.Edit(); });
           dataSource => dataSource
              .Sort(sort => sort.Add("Name").Ascending())
              .Model(model => model.Id(m => m.Company.Id))
              .Update(up => up.Action("UpdateCompany", "Home"))
        .Editable(ed => ed
           .Window(w => w
              .Title("Edit company")

Answer №1

To achieve a layout like this, it's essential to handle the scrolling within your specific element instead of relying on the window. This will require some customization that may interfere with the grid functionality, so please be aware that this method is not officially supported and could potentially stop working in the future without notice. If you want to see this feature implemented officially, consider submitting a suggestion on UserVoice for long-term benefits.

To implement this approach, you can create an "open event" handler for the window:

var buttonWrapper = $(".k-edit-buttons");
var formContainer = $(".k-edit-form-container");
    overflow: "auto", // enable container scrolling
    maxHeight: 300 // set maximum height for window content, excluding the browser interface

Additionally, make sure to add styling rules for the button wrapper:

.k-edit-form-container .k-edit-buttons {
    clear: both;
    text-align: right;
    border-width: 1px 0 0;
    border-style: solid;
    position: relative;
    bottom: -1em;
    padding: .6em;

Answer №2

I find that it's best to leave out the Resizable() property when working with Kendo Windows. I usually don't even bother setting the Height() or Resizable() attributes.

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