Unusual margin glitch discovered in Chrome version 9

Encountered a strange issue with Google Chrome 9: A left-margin for an input element is specified but Chrome fails to apply it upon page load.

Oddly enough, when I toggle the specific declaration off and then back on using Developer Tools, the margin is finally displayed correctly.

The problematic rule looks like this:

margin: 8px 0 0 33%;

Initially, I suspected mixing units might be the culprit, so I tried:

margin: 1% 0 0 33%;

To my dismay, the problem persisted.

This behavior seems isolated to Chrome; IE9 and Firefox 3.6 have no trouble applying the margin as intended.

Is this a known bug and how can I work around it?

For context, I'm operating on Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit and haven't tested other systems yet.

Update: Verified same issue with Chrome 9 on Linux / Ubuntu 10.10

Answer №1

After experimenting with the CSS in Firebug, I discovered a solution that seems to be effective:


Answer №2

To fix the floating issue, simply add overflow:hidden to the UL element containing the LI's.

#block_contact_form ul { overflow:hidden; }

Answer №3

  • Make sure the parent element (e.g. li or span) has a CSS property of position:relative.
  • Add float:left for Left Direction or float:right for Right Direction to the input with type button.

Answer №4

Upon discovery, a resolution appears to have been identified. Should a css remedy for this issue prove unattainable, alternative methods such as utilizing JQuery or pure javascript may be explored.

$(.button input).css({margin: 8px 0 0 33%});

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