Strange behavior observed in fading slides using jQuery

I have been experimenting with jQuery to create a slide feature. However, I am encountering an issue where the next slide fades in before the previous one completely fades out when I click the next arrow. Does anyone know how to fix this problem?

                padding:10px 0 10px 0;
                border:1px solid grey;
                margin:0 10px 0 10px;
                margin:0 20px 0 20px;
        <script src=""></script>
        <div id ="mainWrapper" >
            <div id="jumbotron">
            <div class="">
                <div class="slide active-slide">
                    <img src="desert.jpg" alt="desert" class="large"/>
                <div class="slide">
                    <img src="tulips.jpg" alt="tulips" class="large"/>
                <div class="slide">
                    <img src="penguins.jpg" alt="penguins" class="large"/>
                <div class="slider-nav">
                    <a href="#" class="arrow-prev">
                        <img src="">

                    <ul class="dots">
                        <li class="dot active-dot">&bull;</li>
                        <li class="dot">&bull;</li>
                        <li class="dot">&bull;</li>

                    <a href="#" class="arrow-next">
                        <img src="">

                    var currentSlide = $('.active-slide');
                    var nextSlide =;

                    if (nextSlide.length === 0) {
                        nextSlide = $('div.slide').first();


Answer №1

One reason for the issue is that you are triggering both fadeOut and fadeIn simultaneously. It is recommended to initiate fadeIn only after fadeOut has completed its process.

currentSlide.fadeOut(600, function(){

Answer №2

The main idea is to:


To ensure the second animation only runs after the first one is completed, you need to set it as a callback of the first animation. Modify it to:

currentSlide.fadeOut(600).removeClass('active-slide', function(){

By making this adjustment, the functionality should meet your expectations.

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