Creating visually appealing definition lists

My goal is to customize the appearance of a shopping cart that is created by a rigid system where I cannot modify the html code. The categories list is generated in the following manner:

<dl id='dlCatLvl1' class='clsCatLvl1 clsOffCat1'>
<dd class='clsCatTree1 clsCTree1' id=CatImg1>
    <a href='#'>Apparel</a>
    <dl id='dlCatLvl2' class='clsCatLvl2 clsOffCat2'>
        <dd class='clsCatTree2 clsCTree2' id=CatImg4><a href='#'>T-Shirts</a></dd>
        <dd class='clsCatTree2 clsCTree2' id=CatImg5><a href='#'>Jackets</a></dd>
        <dd class='clsCatTree2 clsCTree2' id=CatImg6><a href='#'>Hoodies</a></dd>
        <dd class='clsCatTree2 clsCTree2' id=CatImg7><a href='#'>Polos</a></dd>
<dd class='clsCatTree1 clsCTree1' id=CatImg2>
    <a href='#'>Novelties</a>
    <dl id='dlCatLvl2' class='clsCatLvl2 clsOffCat2'>
        <dd class='clsCatTree2 clsCTree2' id=CatImg8><a href='#'>Key Chains</a></dd>
        <dd class='clsCatTree2 clsCTree2' id=CatImg9><a href='#'>Stationery</a></dd>
        <dd class='clsCatTree2 clsCTree2' id=CatImg10><a href='#'>Umbrellas</a></dd>
        <dd class='clsCatTree2 clsCTree2' id=CatImg11><a href='#'>Wristbands</a></dd>
<dd class='clsCatTree1 clsCTree1' id=CatImg3>
    <a href='#'>Hats</a>

I am aiming to display the level 1 categories (Apparel, Novelties, Hats) and their corresponding level 2 categories side by side rather than each level being on its own line.

This is the layout I am striving for:

Unfortunately, I am stuck with this unattractive structure that they have implemented. Is there a way to achieve my desired layout within the current setup?

Thank you

Answer №1

To achieve the desired outcome, adjust your CSS to align with the classes in your HTML

    width: 120px;
    margin: 0 5px;
    padding: 10px;
    float: left;
    border: 1px solid black;

.clsCatTree1 > a{
    font-weight: bold;
    font-size: 1.2em;

For example:

Just a heads up... The .clsCatTree1 > a selector targets the a link that is a direct child of the dd.

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