Tips for adjusting the color of multiple <a> tags?

One issue I am facing is the color of the .row a element impacting my contact link, making it white. Despite attempting to change it to red, the color remains unchanged, but upon hovering it turns green.

.row a {
  color: white;
  text-decoration: none;
} {
  color: red;
} {
  color: green;
<div class="row">
  <div class="col-3 col-s-3 menu">
      <li><a href="contact.html">Contact</a></li>

  <div class="contact">

    <p><a href="tel:+00000000" target="_blank">00000000</a></p>


I have also attempted adding a class within like this with no success,

<p><a class="contact" href="tel:+0000000" target="_blank">0000000</a></p>

How can I adjust the color of my phone link?

Answer №1

When the vacuum cleaner is in operation, it turns green.

The current code does not support this functionality. To achieve it, you need to either apply the class directly to the link or use it in a descendant selector like you did with the row class.

To see the desired behavior, make the necessary adjustments as explained above.

The CSS pseudo-class :hover functions correctly, but :link won't work because the link has already been visited.

:link targets only unvisited links (while its counterpart is :visited).

Since the link has been visited, the only matching styles are those within .row a.

To resolve this issue, consider removing the requirement for the link to be unvisited (using either or .contact a) or add a style for visited links (e.g.,

.contact a:link, .contact a:visited {}

Answer №2

To make the necessary adjustments, you only have to modify these two classes:

.contact a {
  color: blue;

.contact a:hover {
  color: purple;

This is because you are targeting the elements by their class name and then applying styles to all anchor tags within them.

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