``There seems to be a problem with the radio buttons where the selection disappears when

I'm facing an issue with a radio button group I created. It's functioning properly, but the selection disappears when clicked outside of the radio button. Can someone assist me in resolving this problem?

Here is the link to the jsfiddle for reference: https://jsfiddle.net/viveknath322/evzsn8y6/

Answer №1

It appears that the solution you are seeking involves utilizing the ":checked" attribute instead of the ":focus" attribute currently in use.


.c-form__checkbox:focus + .r-form__label .c-form__checkbox-square,
.r-form__radio:focus + .r-form__label .r-form__radio-circle {
  stroke: #31CC89;
  fill: #31CC89;

Revised to:

.c-form__checkbox:checked + .r-form__label .c-form__checkbox-square,
.r-form__radio:checked + .r-form__label .r-form__radio-circle {
  stroke: #31CC89;
  fill: #31CC89;

Using focus may cease triggering once you click outside the radio button, shifting focus to another element.

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