CSS: Only one out of three <div>'s has the styles applied in JSFiddle

When working on my project, I encountered an issue while trying to add CSS styles to three <div> structures with unique IDs. Strangely, making small changes to unrelated CSS caused elements to go from being stylized to losing their style.

If you compare these two versions of the same Fiddle and look at the "Citrus College" element:

http://jsfiddle.net/ebbnormal/zdym681b/1/ - element #citrus is styled

http://jsfiddle.net/ebbnormal/zdym681b/2/ - element #citrus loses its style even though the CSS remains the same for that element.

To simplify matters and check if the problem persists, I created a modified version where a different set of IDs (Child 1 and Child 2) are not being properly styled, unlike Child 3. Despite all having similar CSS styling except for varying margins.


I'm curious if this issue is specific to JSFiddle or if it's a cross-browser problem on my local machine.

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