How can you exhibit various images without relying on the <img> tag?

Is there a more efficient way to display over 500 images from a folder on an HTML page without the need to manually write out each img src tag?

I have searched online for solutions, but most suggestions involve using PHP or "glob", which I am hesitant to use. Is there an alternative method?

Can I utilize a separate .js file containing the image files and then use a script in HTML to display them?

This would involve displaying .jpg and .png files.

Answer №1

To showcase a collection of images on your webpage, one approach is to store the image names in a JavaScript array and utilize forEach method for listing them as demonstrated below:

var images = [

var baseUrl = '';

container = document.getElementById("imagesContainer");
function createImages(item, index) {
  container.innerHTML = container.innerHTML + "<img src=\"" + baseUrl + item + "\"/><br/>";
<div id="imagesContainer"></div>

If you aim to automate the listing process, incorporating a server-side scripting language such as PHP would be necessary.

Answer №2

There is a simple method to achieve this task, especially if all the files are stored in one folder - just loop through the folder. Should you wish to display them in separate divs, some modifications may be required on the code snippet provided below.

In the example, I have used the number 75 for demonstration purposes; in your case, adjust it to 500. If your files consist of both jpg and png formats as mentioned, you can organize them into subfolders (jpg and png) and assign different values accordingly (e.g., set jpg to 300 and png to 200).

The code snippets showcased here provide a foundation for image display based on file format. Feel free to tweak them further to suit your specific requirements.

var jpgcontainer = document.getElementById('jpg');
var pngcontainer = document.getElementById('png');
var files = {
  'jpg': 300

var files2 = {
  'png': 200

for (var jpgext in files) {
  for (var i = 0; i < files[jpgext]; i++) {
    var jpgsrc = "images/jpg/" + (i + 1) + "." + jpgext;
    var jpgimg = new Image();
    jpgimg.src = jpgsrc;

for (var pngext in files2) {
  for (var j = 0; j < files2[pngext]; j++) {
    var pngsrc = "images/png/" + (j + 1) + "." + pngext;
    var pngimg = new Image();
    pngimg.src = pngsrc;
img {
  width: 50px;
  height: 50px;
  display: block;
<div id="imgcontainer">
<section id="jpg">
<section id="png">

Answer №3

Another method involves utilizing Excel along with the CONCAT function to generate the necessary code automatically.

For example, if you have a list of image locations in column A, you can input the following formula in column B for each row. Let's say column A contains "image1.png":

=CONCAT("<img src='", A1, "' />")

Simply drag down the formula in column B and then easily extract the HTML code for all the images.

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