The typography components within material-ui are appearing side by side on the same row

I'm having an issue with my typography components appearing on the same line instead of two separate lines. I've tried various methods to fix it but nothing seems to work.

<div class="center">
            <Typography variant="h1" style={{flexGrow: 1}} gutterBottom>line 1</Typography>
            <Typography variant="h6">line 2</Typography>

Despite my efforts, both line 1 and line 2 are displaying on the same line.

Here is the CSS code for center:

.center {
display: flex;
justify-content: center;
align-items: center;
text-align: center;
height: 500px;

Answer №1

To align your items vertically, include flex-direction:column in your CSS. By default, flex wraps children and uses row as the direction. Alternatively, you can eliminate all flex styles and simply apply text-align:center

Answer №2

When referring to the MaterialIU Typography guidelines, it states that text can be enclosed using the Box component:

<Typography component="div" variant="h1">
    line 1

<Typography component="div" variant="h6">
  <Box >
    line 2

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