My intention is to ensure that the page is printed with the Background graphics checkbox pre-checked

When using the print button, I typically include the following code:


I also came across this code snippet to set a checkbox as checked by default:

<style type="text/css" media="print">
    * {
        -webkit-print-color-adjust: exact !important; /*Chrome, Safari */
        color-adjust: exact !important;  /*Firefox*/

This method works fine if the Print options display without additional settings like in the image below:

However, it doesn't work when more advanced settings are present and require clicking the down arrow button to access the "Background graphics" checkbox within Options:

Is there any solution to make sure the checkbox is always checked by default for all browser types?

Answer №1

If you're unsure about how to do it the traditional way, there is a solution in the react-to-print library where you can specify an attribute to include background graphics when printing.


This attribute needs to be included where you define your content, as shown below:

const handlePrint = useReactToPrint({

The pageStyle refers to the CSS styles you want to apply specifically for printing purposes.

The onBeforePrint function is executed just before capturing the content for printing via the library. This allows you to perform actions like closing dialog boxes or opening specific components based on your requirements.

Remember to call the handle print function when clicking the print button in your application.

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