Concealing a column in a printed output on Internet Explorer 9

Our application features a webgrid with a hidden reference column that is concealed using CSS. While this method works seamlessly on most browsers, we encounter an issue when it comes to printing. In our print.css file, where the column is hidden similar to how it is in main.css, the column remains visible in IE9 despite being hidden in Chrome, Firefox, and earlier versions of IE.

Interestingly, by toggling both Browser Mode and Document Mode to IE8 in the developer tools, the printout successfully hides the column. Switching back to IE9, the expected behavior continues until the browser is restarted, at which point the column becomes visible again. The slight formatting discrepancies between IE8 and IE9 confirm the mode switch, hinting at a unique behavior specific to transitioning from older modes to IE9.

The following CSS snippet targets the 11th column within the webgrid for hiding:

#gridRequestManagement table tr th + th + th + th + th + th + th + th + th + th + th
    width:0 !important;
    display:none !important;

If you have any insights or solutions to this puzzling behavior, we would greatly appreciate your input!

Thank you in advance!

Answer №1

After extensive research, it became clear that the initial approach was not feasible for resolving the issue. Several other users also encountered the same problem and reached a similar conclusion. To address this challenge, we opted to eliminate the final column in the webgrid and instead include its value as a hidden attribute within another column for easy reference. This adjustment proved to be the most effective solution for ensuring the grid functioned smoothly across all platforms, particularly in IE9.

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