Users are reporting a problem with the PrimeNG confirmation dialog where it becomes unresponsive and locks up the screen

Previously functioning code seems to have been affected by an update to PrimeNG. The confirmation dialog that was once usable is now hidden behind a gray click-mask, rendering everything on the screen unclickable:

The HTML structure for these two dialogs appears as follows:

<p-dialog header="Save Location" [modal]="true" [(visible)]="showSaveDialog" width="350" height="190">
  <div style="height: 60px;">
    Save location as:&nbsp;
    <ks-dropdown #saveNameDropdown [(ngModel)]="selectedName" [options]="saveDialogNames" [editable]="true" [style]="{width: '200px'}"></ks-dropdown>
    <br><br><p-checkbox [(ngModel)]="makeDefault" binary="true" label="Make this the default location"></p-checkbox>
    <div class="ui-dialog-buttonpane ui-widget-content ui-helper-clearfix">
      <button type="button" pButton icon="far fa-window-close" (click)="showSaveDialog=false" label="Cancel"></button>
      <button type="button" pButton icon="fas fa-check" (click)="doSave()" label="OK" [disabled]="!selectedName.trim()"></button>
  <p-confirmDialog header="Same location name in use" icon="fas fa-question-circle" width="400"></p-confirmDialog>

The code responsible for triggering the confirmation dialog is shown below:

if (_.find(, {name: this.selectedName })) {
    message: `Are you sure you want to replace the existing "${this.selectedName}"?`,
    accept: () => this.completeSave()

Attempts to adjust the z-index of the dialog above the ui-dialog-mask did not yield positive results.

An alternative solution may involve searching the DOM for the problematic ui-dialog-mask, although it would be preferable to find the root cause or a better approach.

Answer №1

By including appendTo="body" in the confirmation dialog, I successfully resolved this problem. Here is how it looks:

 <p-confirmDialog header="Confirmation" icon="pi pi-exclamation-triangle" appendTo="body"></p-confirmDialog>

Answer №2

I experienced a similar issue and was able to identify the underlying cause which involved the use of multiple ConfirmDialog components.
For instance, within an AngularJS context:
- Within the app.component.html file:

<p-confirmDialog header="Confirmation" icon="pi pi-exclamation-triangle" width="425" global="false"></p-confirmDialog>

- Within the home.component.html file:

<p-confirmDialog header="Confirmation" icon="pi pi-exclamation-triangle" width="425" global="false></p-confirmDialog>

To address this issue in the component file (app.component.ts):

      header: 'Confirmation',
      message: `Are you sure?`,
      accept: () => {
       // handle accept
      reject: () => {
       // handle reject

This code snippet triggers both ConfirmDialogs mentioned above.


The solution involves removing one of the two ConfirmDialog components. It is recommended to retain the ConfirmDialog within the component itself (e.g., The ConfirmDialog in home.component.html should be eliminated).

Answer №3

It appears that there is a bug in the primeng dialog/confirm dialog functionality. Some have recommended using appendTo = 'body' to address this issue, but this approach led to another bug where only the dialog div was appended to the body instead of the entire native element. To work around this problem, I made the following adjustment.

Navigate to ClientApp/node_modules/primeng/components/confirmdialog/confirmdialog.js

On line 73, change: document.body.appendChild(this.container); to: document.body.appendChild(this.el.nativeElement);

Remember to include appendTo='body'


Answer №4

In the absence of a more suitable solution, I have settled on the following approach for now:

  setTimeout(() => {
    const masks = document.getElementsByClassName('ui-dialog-mask');

    if (masks && masks.length > 0)
      (masks[masks.length - 1] as HTMLElement).style.zIndex = 'auto';

This code snippet runs immediately after the

statement above. While not perfect, it does reveal both dialogs without masking between them, hiding everything else below the dialogs.

It's a much preferable option compared to causing the app to freeze.

UPDATE: Following user860214's suggestion, I have included the following code at the end of my project's app.module.ts file:

// TODO: Hack to be removed when bug is fixed in PrimeNG.
import { ConfirmDialog } from 'primeng/confirmdialog';

ConfirmDialog.prototype.appendContainer = function(): void {
  if (this.appendTo) {
    if (this.appendTo === 'body')
      this.domHandler.appendChild(this.container, this.appendTo);

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