Importing styles from an external URL using Angular-cli

How can I load CSS styles from an external URL?

For instance, my domain is but my site is located at I want to use styles that are stored on the main domain (common for all sites).

The example below does not work:

"styles": [

The issue is that webpack tries to bundle these styles and cannot retrieve them. When I import them via CSS like this:


It will not break, but will have problems with missing assets such as images or fonts.

The only solution seems to be adding the external CSS style into index.html. Is it possible to set this value dynamically?

If we have three different themes defining basic fonts and header styles, and we want to change them based on a route or select option element inside a component, is there some sort of hack or workaround to achieve this?

Answer №1

Absolutely, it is possible to include style by using an external CSS file in your @Component with styleUrls: ['file name.css']

Answer №2

Currently, your usage is

"styles": [ "styles.css", ""]

This method allows you to directly write CSS for the specific component. If you wish to include CSS from other files, consider using this format instead:

styleUrls: [ 'styles.css', '' ]

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