The precedence of theme CSS is paramount

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Upon inspecting the page source, you'll see that my main stylesheet (main-style) is loaded at the top of the head section with high priority, even above my theme's style.

Why does my theme's styling appear above it in the editor? Because it is overriding the styles set by the main stylesheet.

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Answer №1

When it comes to loading CSS files, the last one loaded will take precedence over any previous styles if they have the same specificity level (such as simple class selectors in your case). It's important to prioritize general or default styles at the beginning and add overrides afterwards.

If there is a conflict in specificity, you can increase the specificity of your CSS rules by adding more specific selectors. For example, the following rule will take precedence over class selectors:

#main .col {
    /* add your styling here */

Answer №2

In most cases, stylesheets are typically referenced or loaded in the header section of a website. For Wordpress sites, this usually involves modifying the theme's header.php file. It is important to check if these stylesheets are being loaded in the correct order and make adjustments as needed. To prevent any changes from being lost during theme updates, it is recommended to create a child theme before making any modifications to the header.php file.

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