Angular directive for concealing the 'ancestor' of an element

I have created a code snippet that effectively hides the 'grandparent' element of any '404' images on my webpage. Here is the code:

function hideGrandparent(image){ = 'none';

<img ng-src="{{photo.img}}" onerror="hideGrandparent(this);" id="image">

I attempted to transfer this functionality into a custom Angular directive, but encountered some issues with grabbing the correct 'grandparent' element. Here is my current implementation:


  .directive('hideImage', hideImage);

function hideImage() {
  var directive = {
    link: link,
    restrict: 'A'
  return directive;

  function link(scope, element, attrs) {
    element.bind('error', function() {
      angular.element(this).parent().parent().attr('style', attrs.hideImage);


<div ng-repeat="photo in">
  <a ng-href="{{}}" target="_blank" title="{{photo.text}}">
    <img ng-src="{{photo.img}}" hide-image="'display: none;'" id="image">

Answer №1

It seems counterintuitive to me...I believe nothing should be displayed until the image is fully loaded

<div ng-repeat="photo in" image-wrapper ng-show="imageLoaded">
  <a ng-href="{{}}">
    <img ng-src="{{photo.img}}">

The main element now uses a directive with ng-show, ensuring that it only appears after the image has finished loading. Initially, the scope variable will be undefined and the onload event of the image will set it to true.

  .directive('imageWrapper', imageLoader);

function imageLoader() {
  var directive = {
    link: link,
    restrict: 'A'
  return directive;

  function link(scope, element, attrs) {
       scope.$apply(function(){ // use $apply for all events outside of angular

It's important to remember not to repeat IDs on a page

Answer №2

For optimal functionality, it is recommended to utilize angular.element(this) in this scenario as you already have element control through the element parameter within the link function. Instead of JavaScript, consider utilizing jQLite's .css function for styling purposes.

  function link(scope, element, attrs) {
    element.bind('error', function() {
      element.parent().parent().css({'display': 'none'}); //you can pass that css from attribute

Answer №3

hide-image="'visibility: hidden;'"

must be updated to

hide-image="visibility: hidden;"

(without single quotes)

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