The td's height does not align with the content within

Within this table, there are three images: one on the left, one at the top center, and one on the right. The row for the image at the top center is set to 126px, however, the actual content image size is only 122px. I attempted to use overflow: hidden and assign a fixed height using CSS to the td element, but it still insists on being 126px tall.

You can see the issue with the box-shadow beneath the top center image. It should be directly below the image, not 4px lower.

I am currently stuck on this problem and hoping that someone else will notice the issue in just 10 seconds and provide assistance.

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Answer №1

To align the image to the top center, you can use either display: block; or vertical-align:

img {vertical-align: bottom}


img {display: block;}

Answer №2

You should attempt adjusting the line-height property for the table data cell to 0.

Answer №3

  1. Ensure an equal number of cells in each row.
  2. Avoid setting the width of the second cell to 100%, as it is illogical.
  3. All cells within a row should have consistent height, maintaining the table structure.

In my opinion, refrain from using tables for layout and design purposes; they should only be used for organizing data. Consider utilizing inline-block divs or floating divs instead. Alternatively, arrange your images side by side as needed.

Additionally, you could merge multiple images into one and use it as a background image for the body (or any other suitable element).

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