Adjusting the height of a textarea in React mui to match its parent element height

Utilizing the react mui library version 3.9.3 for UI components in my current project, I am facing an issue with a textarea field:

<div className={classes.fieldWrappper}>
      InputProps={{classes: {root: classes.textArea}}}
        shrink: true,

The styling for fieldWrapper and textArea has been defined as follows:

fieldWrappper: {
    position: 'relative',
    display: 'grid',
  textArea: {
    height: '100%',
    background: 'white',

However, the textarea does not occupy the complete height of the fieldWrapper. This can be observed here:

It seems that MuiInputBase is inheriting the full height from the parent element.

In the developer console, upon inspection, it appears that changing the MuiPrivateTextarea-root to have a height of 100% resolves the issue. However, I am unsure of how or where to implement this change within the codebase?

Answer №1

Apologies for the delayed response, but here is a helpful tip for those seeking to create a full height text area with Material design.

To achieve this, simply place your TextField within a flex container and adjust the root element using FlexGrow. Then, utilize InputProps to ensure the input element takes up the complete height. Remember to set alignItems: 'start' to align your text at the top of the input field.

    sx={{display: 'flex', flexGrow: 1}}
      sx: {
        height: '100%',
        alignItems: 'start'

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