The separator falls short of spanning the entire width of the page

For some reason, I can't seem to make the divider extend to the full length of the page.

      <TableCell className={classes.tableCell} colSpan={6}>
          gridTemplateColumns="12% 12% 12% 12% 12%"
          <Box textAlign="left" gridColumn="1">
          <Box textAlign="left" gridColumn="2">
          <Box textAlign="left" gridColumn="3">
          <Box textAlign="left" gridColumn="4">
        <Divider variant="fullWidth" style={{ width: "110%" }} />
        <Box padding={1}>
            <Table stickyHeader>

This is how it's currently displaying on the page.

Answer №1

Consider changing the width to 100vw rather than 110%.

Answer №2

Adjusting the colSpan value to 8 resolved the problem I was experiencing.

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