Developing HTML5 animation by utilizing sprite sheets

Struggling to create an engaging canvas animation with the image provided in the link below.

Please take a look at

I'm attempting to run this sprite sheet image for a normal animation, but unfortunately, I seem to be encountering some issues.

Here is the code snippet I have been working on:

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
<html xmlns="">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" />
<title>Untitled Document</title>


 <canvas id='canvas'></canvas><br />
 <button onclick='moveLeft()'>Left</button>
 <button onclick='moveRight()'>Right</button>
 var canvasWidth = 650; 
 var canvasHeight = 350;
 var spriteWidth = 379; 
 var spriteHeight = 133; 
 var rows = 2; 
 var cols = 8; 
 var trackRight = 0; 
 var trackLeft = 1; 
 var width = spriteWidth/cols; 
 var height = spriteHeight/rows; 
 var curFrame = 0; 
 var frameCount = 8; 
 var x=0;
 var y=200; 
 var srcX; 
 var srcY; 
 var left = false; 
 var right = true;
 var speed = 12; 
 var canvas = document.getElementById('canvas');
 canvas.width = canvasWidth;
 canvas.height = canvasHeight; 
 var ctx = canvas.getContext("2d");
 var character = new Image(); 
 character.src = "jpg.jpg";
 function updateFrame(){
 curFrame = ++curFrame % frameCount; 
 srcX = curFrame * width; 
 if(left && x>0){
 srcY = trackLeft * height; 
 if(right && x<canvasWidth-width){
 srcY = trackRight * height; 
 function draw(){
 function moveLeft(){
 left = true; 
 right = false; 
 function moveRight(){
 left = false;
 right = true; 

The current behavior of the animation is not as expected, only showing the center area of the image. Any suggestions on how to resolve this issue?

Answer №1

Your spritesheet needs to have consistent widths for each step to avoid animation shifts. It is possible to animate a spritesheet using only CSS. Here is an example with this spritesheet:

        #animSheet {
            background-image: url("spritesheet.png");
            width: 256px;
            height: 256px;
            animation: animSheet 1s steps(6) infinite;

        @keyframes animSheet {
            0% {
                background-position: 1536px;

            100% {
                background-position: 0px;

<div id="animSheet"></div>

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