Tips for utilizing the output of a pre-defined function within another function in SASS

How can I effectively utilize the outcome of darken( $var, 10% ) in the SASS function oppositeColor( $darkenedColor )?

The code I am working with currently looks like this:

$color1: #000000 !default;
$color2: darken( $color1, 5% ) !default;
$color3: oppositeColor( $color2 ) !default;
$color4: darken( $color3, 15% ) !default;

However, I encounter the following error message:

SassError: $color: oppositeColor(#000000) is not a color.
28 │ $color4: darken($color3, 15%) !default;
   │          ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Is there a method to successfully integrate the result of darken( $color1, 5% ) into oppositeColor( $color2 ) without encountering any errors?

Answer №1

Perhaps you intended to use the term complement instead?

I have made changes to the code to demonstrate a functioning example:

$color1: #FFF !default;
$color2: darken( $color1, 5% ) !default;
$color3: complement( $color2 ) !default;
$color4: darken( $color3, 15% ) !default;

    color: $color4;

The final output is:

.test {
  color: #cccccc;

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