Issue with SVG mask not functioning when transform is applied

I am struggling to apply a mask to a transformed SVG element. When I try to do this with a path, the structure is the same. If I apply the mask to an element outside of the transformed group, it works as expected. However, if I try to do the same inside, the element simply disappears.

Here is the HTML:

<svg width="350pt" height="100pt" >
    <pattern id="circleFill" patternUnits="userSpaceOnUse" width="5" height="5" > 
      <circle cx="2" cy="2" r="2" fill="red"></circle>
    <mask id="circleMask">
      <rect x="0" y="0" width="100%" height="100%" fill="url(#circleFill)" />

  <g transform="translate(0,150) scale(.1,-.1)">
    <rect class="holder" x="300" y="300" height="1000" width="1000"/>
    <rect class="main t" x="350" y="350" height="400" width="400" />
  <rect x="300" y="50" height="50" width="50" class="main masked o" />


.holder {
    fill: darkgray;
    stroke: black;
    stroke-width: 2px;

.o{ fill: red; }
.t{ fill: purple; }
.masked{ mask: url(#circleMask); }

When I add the "masked" class to the second rect (with classes "main t"), it disappears.

The following structure does work:

<g class="masked">
  <g transform="...">
    <rect ... />

However, I have over 50 elements in the image that should have the same transform, and only some of them should be masked (with 5 different masks).

Here is the fiddle link: Fiddle

What could I be doing wrong? Is it possible to mask an element inside a transformed group?

Answer №1

The challenge you are encountering when trying to apply a mask to a transformed SVG element lies in how SVG handles masking and transformations. According to the SVG specification, the mask-image property remains unaffected by the transform property.

As a result, when you apply a transformation to the group containing the masked element, the mask is no longer applied as expected. One way to address this issue is by utilizing the mask-position property, which enables you to define the position of the mask image in relation to the masked element. By setting the mask-position property to match the position of the transformed element, you can ensure proper application of the mask.

If you need to apply a mask to a transformed element with a viewBox (where an explicit viewBox is added), you can combine the mask-position property with the viewBox attribute. The viewBox attribute defines a user space rectangle that should be mapped to the bounds of the SVG viewport. While the viewBox attribute values are pre-transform coordinates, it is crucial to render and adhere to the post-transform coordinates.

In situations where you have over 50 elements in your image and wish to apply masks to specific ones, you can follow the same strategy. Just remember to adjust the mask-position property for each masked element to align with its transformed position.

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