Utilizing reusable styled components with pseudo elements and advanced logic

How can I make the shared style more dynamic by changing the value of left or width based on a passed value or boolean logic across different components?

I prefer not to pass it as a prop in the actual component like

<bar left="20" />
, but rather have it declared within the styles.

const dynamicSharedStyle = css`
  ::after {
    content: '';
    left: 0;
    width: 100%;
    ${(props) => props.beta && 
      top: 0;

const fooComponent = styled.div`

const barComponent = styled.div`

  ${childElement} {

Answer №1

Optimize your code by using a function instead:

const getShared = (props) => css`
  ::after {
    content: '';
    left: ${props.left || '0'};
    width: ${props.width || '100%'};
    ${(otherProps) => otherProps.beta && 
      top: 0;

const foo = styled.div`
  ${(props) => getShared(props)}

const bar = styled.div`
  ${(props) => getShared(props)}

  ${child} {
    ${(props) => getShared(props)}

If you need to override shared CSS easily, here's a simple example:

      {/* this is a div that applies shared CSS */}
      <div css={shared}>this is shared css</div>

      {/* this is a div that extends the shared CSS in its styling */}
      <FirstContainer>container extending shared css</FirstContainer>

      {/* this is a div that uses shared CSS in its styling but overrides border color using a prop*/}
      <SecondContainer borderColor="red">container overriding the shared css</SecondContainer>

Check out the associated styling below:

// this represents the shared CSS
export const shared = css`
    width: 100px;
    height: 100px;
    border: solid 1px green;
    margin: 40px;

// div applying the shared CSS
export const FirstContainer = styled.div`

// div utilizing the shared CSS while also changing the border color
// props retrieve all properties passed to the SecondContainer component (similar to left in the bar component)
export const SecondContainer = styled.div`

    border-color: ${(props) => props.borderColor}

This is how it will look like:


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