Autofill functions may not be compatible with input fields generated using JavaScript

Having trouble with browsers not using autocomplete in login overlays generated with JavaScript? It can be really annoying. Any suggestions on how to fix this issue?

Should I create a hidden form within the original HTML and then move it into the overlay?

Thanks, Andras

Answer №1

While experimenting with JavaScript to manipulate and extract data from input fields, I encountered an issue where the autocomplete feature was not working as expected. After some investigation, I realized that placing the input field inside a <form></form> element resolved the problem and allowed autocomplete functionality to function properly. Originally, I had omitted the form element because I was not intending to submit a form, only to initiate an ajax call. By incorporating the <form> tag and preventing default form submission, I was able to execute the ajax call effortlessly. To achieve this, you can simply add

<form onsubmit="return false;">

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