The problem arises from misinterpreting MIME types when serving SVG files, causing the resource to be seen as an image but transferred with

Having some issues targeting SVG images with CSS to use as backgrounds on certain elements. When I try to access the image directly here, it works perfectly fine. However, when using it in CSS, I encounter the following error:

Resource interpreted as Image but transferred with MIME type text/xml

I attempted to resolve this by adding an .htaccess file to the directory that serves the images, including the following code:

AddType image/svg+xml svg

Any suggestions on how to fix this issue?

Answer №1

It is likely that the issue stems from previously incorrect HTTP headers indicating the wrong content type, leading to cached information being used by certain software now that you have corrected this. This situation is not uncommon when dealing with XML files. One way to troubleshoot this is by duplicating the .svg file and referencing it in CSS under a new name.

In my own testing of the URL provided using a basic background rule, I encountered no issues displaying the image on Firefox, IE, Chrome, Safari (tested on Win 7). However, upon setting Content-Type: text/xml at the server level, all browsers failed to show the background image without any error messages displayed. It seems likely that your tests may have been conducted using a specialized browser or unique configurations.

Answer №2

Trying to update the .htaccess file was unsuccessful in my case. I found that adding the following line in /etc/mime.types, restarting the Apache server, clearing the cache, made it work:

image/svg+xml                   svg

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