Achieve a new line break when the user hits the "Enter" key using HTML and JavaScript

I'm in the process of developing a Chrome Extension that allows users to create a to-do list. My goal is to enable users to submit their task by pressing the "Enter" key, which should move the task to the next line after submission. I am currently facing challenges with implementing this functionality.


<input type="text" name="newtask" value="" spellcheck="false" placeholder="New Task" id="newtask">
<ul id="tasksUL">


$(() => {
   $('#newtask').on('keydown', (e) => {
     if(e.keyCode == 13){

Answer №1

Make sure to attach the keypress eventlistener to the input element, not the ul. When the enter key is pressed, take the content of the input field, create a new li element, set its text to the entered value, append it to the ul, and then clear the input field.

$(() => {
  $('input').on('keypress', function(e) {
    if (e.keyCode == 13) {
      const newTask = $(this).val();
      if (newTask) {
<script src=""></script>
<input type="text" name="newtask" value="" spellcheck="false" placeholder="New Task" id="newtask">
<ul id="tasksUL">

Answer №2

To implement this functionality using vanilla JavaScript, you simply need to attach an eventListener to the input element itself that listens for keydown events.

let taskList = document.getElementById('tasksUL');
document.getElementById('newTask').addEventListener('keydown', (e) => {
    if(e.key == 'Enter'){
        let newItem = document.createElement('li');
        newItem.innerText =;

Answer №3

If you need the list to display the text input by the user, consider using the jQuery append method for this purpose.

    if (e.which == 13) {
        //Create new HTML element to append:
        var newLi = "&lt;li&gt;" + $('#newtask').val() + "&lt;/li&gt;";

You can test out my implementation on JS Fiddle

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