The performance of my Wordpress site is being hindered by the slowdown caused by Admin

I have a Wordpress website focused on winter sports vacations in Iceland: link

Every plugin, WordPress core, and theme are up to date.

Using Woocommerce for my online store. However, activating the Woocommerce plugin causes the site to slow down significantly. Deactivating it speeds up the site again.

The theme I am using is supposedly compatible with Woocommerce according to the developer, but they are unable to identify the cause of the slowdown.

Tried optimizing speed and caching with WP-Rocket plugin, but no improvement was seen.

Analysis from Pingdom Tools and GTMetrix indicate a major delay in loading admin-ajax.php?action=grandtour_custom_css

You can view the test results here: link

Any advice on how to tackle this issue?

Answer №1

Upon analyzing your website's speed test on Gtmatrix under waterfall, it has been found that one of your ajax actions is taking 3.7 seconds, causing a significant delay.

To address this issue, it is recommended to remove this particular ajax action using the following code:


For detailed instructions on how to use remove_action in WordPress, refer to the WordPress Documentation.

Remember that remove_action() should be called within a function, as demonstrated below:

add_action( 'wp_head', 'remove_my_action' );
function remove_my_action(){
   remove_action( 'grandtour_custom_css');
   remove_action( 'wp_ajax_grandtour_custom_css');
   remove_action( 'wp_ajax_nopriv_grandtour_custom_css');

Next, add the css from the ajax call available here in the WordPress customizer under appearance.

If the issue persists, consider optimizing the animation css for further improvements.

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