Set the styling of a div element in the Angular template when the application is first initialized

I have a question about this specific div element:

<div class="relative rounded overflow-clip border w-full" [style.aspect-ratio]="media.value.ratio">
            <img fill priority [ngSrc]="media.value.src || ftaLogo" [alt]="media.value.caption"
                 [style.object-fit]="" (click)="insertMedia()">

Upon startup, I am attempting to set the aspect ratio based on a model, but it is not being applied as expected. What could be causing this issue?

The aspect ratio specified in my model is 16:9. Even after inspecting the code in the browser, the style is not being correctly applied.

Interestingly, when I manually change the aspect ratio while the application is running (by clicking a button), it works perfectly fine.

Answer №1

Apologies to all for the confusion. I appreciate your attempt to assist me.

I have identified the issue. The data in my local database was missing the ratio field, causing the initial problem with the ratio not working correctly. My apologies for any inconvenience caused. 😁😁😁😁

This question will be removed soon

Answer №2

Have you considered using aspectRatio instead of aspect-ratio

<div class="relative rounded overflow-clip border w-full" [style.aspectRatio]="media.value.ratio">
        <img fill priority [ngSrc]="media.value.src || ftaLogo" [alt]="media.value.caption"
             [style.objectFit]="" (click)="insertMedia()">

You might also want to try using [ngStyle]

<div class="relative rounded overflow-clip border w-full" [ngStyle]="{'aspect-ratio': media.value.ratio + ' !important' }">
        <img fill priority [ngSrc]="media.value.src || ftaLogo" [alt]="media.value.caption"
             [style.objectFit]="" (click)="insertMedia()">

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