The overflow-x: scroll !important feature is not functioning properly on Samsung Internet when using translated SVGs

I'm experiencing an issue with a div container that is filled horizontally with SVG drawings generated dynamically. The width of the container exceeds the window's width, so I added overflow-x: scroll !important to enable scrolling. However, the Samsung Internet browser is not displaying the scroll function properly. Any suggestions on how to fix this?

EDIT: Even jQuery's scroll() function is failing to trigger an alert event.

EDIT2: To create a grid layout, each SVG drawing undergoes a dynamic translate().

Answer №1

After investigating, I have discovered the root cause of this problem:

In my process of dynamically drawing SVG elements, I utilize the transform: translate() property. However, I encountered a limitation on Samsung Internet where using this property did not allow for proper functioning of overflow-x. To address this issue, I had to implement a solution by creating individual wrapper div elements for each SVG element and applying the transformation to the wrapper instead.

Therefore, the revised structure is as follows:

<div id="big-wrapper">
  <div id="small-wrapper1" style="transform: translate([dynamic value to order all svgs in a grid])">
  <div id="small-wrapper2" style="transform: translate([dynamic value to order all svgs in a grid])">
  <div id="small-wrapper3" style="transform: translate([dynamic value to order all svgs in a grid])">

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