Issues with Google Chrome truncating the end of lengthy pages

While working on a website project, I encountered an issue with Chrome where loading a lengthy page results in a strange box covering the bottom portion of the content. Interestingly, the same pages appear fine on Safari and Firefox, indicating that the problem is specific to Chrome.

The behavior can be seen in this screenshot:

Here is the problematic page: . Upon scrolling to the end, you'll notice a large white box obscuring the final 15% - 20% of the content.

A few observations I have made are:

  1. Using a 15" MBP (1440 x 900 resolution) or a 27" Thunderbolt display (2560 x 1440), the page loads correctly when viewed on the bigger screen but exhibits the covering issue when moved to the smaller one.

  2. Upon inspecting the elements, all codes seem to load properly. However, it appears as though Chrome is overlaying a large box on top of the page. Even attempting to click and drag to select text is hindered by this mysterious box.

My development environment consists of Rails 3.2.13 and Ruby 2.0.0. The test was conducted on Chrome ver. 30.0.1599.101, Firefox ver. 25.0, and Safari 7.0. Disabling extensions did not resolve the issue.

Answer №1

I encountered the same problem where long pages were getting cut off halfway only in Chrome. Despite trying other suggested solutions without success, I found that simply adjusting my css animations on the specific element resolved the issue. By removing the forwards property from the animation, the problem disappeared. Quite a peculiar fix indeed.

Previous code snippet:

animation: 0.2s fadeIn forwards 1 ease;

Updated code snippet:

animation: 0.2s fadeIn 1 ease;

Answer №2

I encountered a similar issue where the bottom of my page was getting chopped off and there was flickering while scrolling in Chrome. Interestingly, the problem didn't exist in other browsers.

After troubleshooting for quite some time, I discovered that the culprit was the {mix-blend-mode: multiply;} property on an element within the page. Once I removed it, all the strange rendering issues disappeared.

If anyone else is facing similar problems, give this solution a try. It might save you from hours of confusion like I went through.

Answer №3

Encountered a similar issue on two different projects, specifically noticed in Chrome on desktop (both Mac and Windows) and Chrome for Android.

Here are my findings:

  1. It seems that CSS animations have a limited visible 'render area'.
  2. When an animation is applied to an element using 'forwards', it gets stuck in that state and doesn't re-render.
  3. This can result in animation delays when multiple elements within the same container are animated with 'forwards'.

Solutions that worked for me:

  1. Reduce the animation 'area': try animating smaller pixel areas instead of large containers.
  2. If you need to animate a large container like fading in all content, avoid applying the animation directly to the container. Instead, create an overlay element that covers your content completely and animate that instead (fade out).

@TimothyBuktu's solution above was instrumental in guiding me in the right direction.

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