Are background styles complete without incorporating quotations?

Let's say I want to include a background image, my code might look like this:

background: url(/images/button_bg.png) repeat-x scroll left bottom #146BAE

However, when I check the code in Firebug, it shows:

background: url("/images/button_bg.png") repeat-x scroll left bottom #146BAE

Do the quotation marks around the image path serve any specific purpose? Do they impact speed or compliance with standards, or is Firebug simply adding them for readability?

I've also noticed single quotes ( ' ' ) being used, but I'm unsure if they have any significance.

Answer №1

When the image path includes special characters or spaces, it becomes important.

To ensure accuracy, consider enclosing the URL in " or '. This is not a universal practice.

Answer №2

Special characters in the URI make them essential for proper interpretation, as outlined in the specification here. However, if no special characters are present, they become discretionary.

Answer №3

At, we have opted not to include quotation marks in our background image paths as they do not contribute to improved parser speed.

Answer №4

It is recommended to use quotes for URI Values

(Uniform Resource Identifiers which includes URLs, URNs, etc)

A URI value should be in the format of 'url' with an optional single quote (') or double quote ("). Either type of quote can be used as long as they match. See examples below for a live demonstration:

For example:

body { background: url("") } double quote (") demo

body { background: url('') } single quote (') demo

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