CSS: Trouble with elements positioning

I am attempting to position two boxes on top of each other at the bottom of a different div. Here is the code I have:

<div style = "height:400px;width:400px;border:1px solid #000;">
    <div style = "position:relative;height:100px;width:100px;border:1px solid #000;bottom:0px;">
    <div style = "position:relative;height:100px;width:100px;border:1px solid #000;bottom:0px;">

However, I am facing an issue where the boxes are positioned at the top of their container instead of the bottom. Can someone provide assistance?

Answer №1

To achieve the desired layout, you need to set the container as relative and the boxes as absolute positioning:

<div style = "height:400px;width:400px;border:1px solid #000; position:relative;">
<div style = "position:absolute;height:100px;width:100px;border:1px solid #000;bottom:0px;">
<div style = "position:absolute;height:100px;width:100px;border:1px solid #000;bottom:0px;">

Further refining the answer:

<div style = "height:400px;width:400px;border:1px solid #000; position: relative;">
    <div style = "position: absolute;height:100px;border:1px solid #000; bottom: 0;">
        <div style = "height:100px;width:100px;border:1px solid #000;float:left;"></div>
        <div style = "height:100px;width:100px;border:1px solid #000;float:left;">

Answer №2

To achieve the desired layout, position the second div at the bottom using `bottom:0;` and then place the first div at the top while keeping the other one at the bottom.

<div class="container">
    <div class="top-div">
    <div class="bottom-div">

    height:400px;width:400px;border:1px solid #000;
    width:100px;border:1px solid #000;
    border:1px solid #000;

Answer №3

1) Make sure your container has a position of 'relative'

2) Ensure that your boxes are set to 'absolute' positioning, not 'relative'

Answer №4

To achieve the desired layout, the outer div should be styled with position:relative, while the two inner divs should have position:absolute.

<div style = "height:400px;width:400px;border:1px solid #000; position:relative">
<div style = "position:absolute;height:100px;width:100px;border:1px solid #000;bottom:0px;">
<div style = "position:absolute;height:100px;width:100px;border:1px solid #000;bottom:0px;">

Check out this CSS-Tricks Video for more information

Answer №5

To align the div at the bottom of the container, you need to apply position relative to the parent div and absolute to the child div. This prevents any overlapping between the two divs. Adjust the 'bottom' property of the last div to change its position at the bottom.

<div style = "height:400px;width:400px;border:1px solid #000;position:relative;">
    <div style = "position:absolute;height:100px;width:100px;border:1px solid #000;bottom:0px;">
    <div style = "position:absolute;height:100px;width:100px;border:1px solid #000;bottom:100px;">

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