The overflow property is not functioning as anticipated

I've browsed Google and this site, but I couldn't find a solution to my issue.

On my webpage, I have a shoutbox and a teamspeak viewer with a specific height for the outer div.

The scrollbars don't look good on our new design, so I attempted to remove them from both the shoutbox and ts viewer, but they stubbornly remain.

Here is the code snippet for the shoutbox:

<div class="shoutboxBoxSidebar">
    <div id="shoutbox" class="shoutbox sidebar">
        <div class="shoutboxContent fadeOut asc">
            <ul id="shoutboxEntryList">
                <li class="shoutboxEntry" id="shoutboxEntry3936">
                <li class="shoutboxEntry" id="shoutboxEntry3935">

To try and fix this issue, I added the following CSS attributes to #shoutbox:


And made the following adjustments to .shoutboxContent:


But unfortunately, the problem persists and I'm at a loss ;(

If you'd like to take a look, check out this fiddle

I hope someone can assist me in resolving this issue.

Answer №1

After examining your Teamspeak div (source code from the page), I noticed something interesting.

<div id="ts3viewer_1016944" style="height:350px; overflow:scroll;">

It seems that definitions in the element tag take precedence over the CSS. Removing the style property actually improves the appearance and functionality ;D

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